[Under construction]


1. What files does a stimulus program need to provide to use the features of LabView acqusition?


1. What files does a stimulus program need to provide to use the features of LabView acqusition?

A stimulus program needs to provide the following variables:

(will refine details of expername and instructfile soon; these are needed)

Within the data directory, the stimulus program should produce:

    • stimorder.mat, a matlab file with a vector stimorder that contains the order of stimulus presentation (e.g., [1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5] for 2 trials of 5 stims in sequential order)

    • stimvalues.mat, a matlab file with a vector stimvalues that contains any varied parameters (e.g., [0 45 90 135 NaN]). Blank stimuli should be coded as NaN (Matlab's "not a number").