Files created by vhlabtools and other devices we use before/during acquisition

The files that are typically created:


---- files placed by the master computer at the onset of data acquisition ----

reference.txt % a file describing the type of records that are present in this directory

---- files placed by the NewStim visual stimulus/sound stimulus package ----

stims.mat % the record of stimulation as recorded by the stimulus computer

stims%N.mat % stimsN.mat, where N can be any integer*

stimtimes.txt % stim triggers, stim numbers, and frame transition times as detected by Spike2; each line indicates

% the stim code that was encountered in the first number, the time of stimulus onset in the second number,

% and each subsequent number indicates a data frame trigger time; the time units of this file are seconds with

% respect to the Spike2's recording record onset

traintimes_N.txt % when the FitzLab/VHLab Spike2 scripts are used to generate analog output pulses, this file will

% have a list of the times that output pulses were actually delivered; N will run from 0, 1, ...

% depending upon the number of channels used; in seconds, from start of the recording

twophotontimes.txt % a list of the trigger times generated by the 2-photon, as reported by the Spike2 acquisition system;

% in seconds, from time of Spike2 recording

verticalblanking.txt % a list of vertical blanking refresh times as detected by Spike2 (in seconds, with respect to beginning of Spike2 record)

----files placed manually via Plexon's Offline Sorter program ----

plexonspikes-sp2.txt % An array of spike times clustered from Spike2 data; each row contains

% information from 1 spike. The spike times here are synchronized to Spike2.

% The first item in each row is the channel number; the second item is

% the cluster number; the third item is the spike time in seconds relative

% to the beginning of the recording in the same time units as the Spike2 data files

plexonspikes-lv.txt % An array of spike times clustered from LabView data; each row contains

% information from 1 spike. The spike times here are synchronized to LabView and Spike2.

% The first item in each row is the channel number; the second item is

% the cluster number; the third item is the spike time in seconds relative

% to the beginning of the recording in the same time units as the LabView data files

plexonspikes.txt*** % An array of spike times; each row contains information from 1 spike.

% The first item in each row is the channel number; the second item is

% the cluster number; the third item is the spike time in seconds relative

% to the beginning of the Plexon recording

stimtimes_plexon.txt* % File sometimes created when the user is using plexon; this is a text file that contains exported event data

% *must be made manually

---- files placed by VHLab LabView multichannel data acquisition script ----

vhlvanaloginput.vlh % header file (text, human readable) describing channels that were acquired, sampling rate, etc

% can be read with Matlab function readvhlvdatafile

vhlvanaloginput.vld % data file containing multichannel data samples

% can be opened with Matlab function readvhlvheaderfile

vhlv_filtermap.txt % text file that describes how channels should be arranged for filtering and threshold detection

% can be read with Matlab function loadStructArray

vhlv_thresholds.txt % text file that describes the spike thresholds to be used on each channel for detecting spikes

% can be read with Matlab function loadStructArray

vhlv_channelgrouping.txt% text file that describes how channels should be arranged for the purpose of distinguishing spikes

% can be read with Matlab function loadStructArray

vhlv_syncchannel.txt* % text file that indicates which LabView channel (1..NumChannels) is the sync channel.

% If this file is not present, the sync channel is assumed to be the last channel.

% *Must be made manually if the last channel is the not the sync channel.

---- files placed by our analysis software for LabView multichannel data ----

lv_spikewaveforms_N.vsw % Binary structure with extracted spike waveforms from channel group N in this directory

% can be read with Matlab function readvhlspikewaveformfile

lv_spiketimes_N.vst % Single precision data (float32) with the time of each spike in lv_spikewaveforms_N

lv_spiketimes_N.txt % Contains a list of spike times (relative to the beginning of the LabView record) for channel group N

lv_st_NAME_REF_00M.txt % The spike times of the sorted spikes from name/ref NAME/REF, cluster number M.

% When these clusters are imported, 50 is added to them to distinguish them from the spike2 clusters

lv_ci_NAME_REF_00M.mat % The cluster sorted spikes from name/ref NAME/REF, cluster number M.

% Includes things like mean waveform, quality designation, etc

---- files placed by our software for auditing Spike2 spike clustering ----

spike2matlabclusters_N.vsw % Spike waveforms for all clusters for spike channel group N

spike2matlabclusters_N.mat % Other information (cluster id, times) for the spike waveforms for spike channel group N

---- files placed by CED Spike2/1401, used for multifunction data acquisition/synchronization ----

filetime.txt % the time when this record was initiated, in Spike2 format (seconds since midnight)

frametimes.txt % a list of frame transition times as detected by Spike2 (in seconds, relative to beginning of recording)

spike2datalog.txt % the text data log from the Spike2 console

spike2data.S2R % the data record that was acquired by Spike2; all other files here are derived from this original

% record (I think...not sure what this is)

spike2data.smr % the data record that was acquired by Spike2; all other files here are derived from this original record

spiketimes_N_00M.txt % contains a list of spike times (relative to the beginning of the Spike2 record) for spike channel

% N and Spike2 cluster number M

stimontimes.txt % stim triggers and numbers as detected by Spike2 (in seconds, relative to beginning of the recording)

---- files placed by PrairieView 2-photon acquisition software ----

% The PrairieView software likes to store its files in DIRNAME-00N, where N increases as more data is collected

% To deal with this, we have PrairieView store its files in tXXXXX-00N at the same level as tXXXXX


(Prairie image files in TIFF format; header file in XML format)

driftcorrect % .mat file with driftcorrection values for each frame

---- files placed by VHLabs 2-photon analysis software ----

tXXXXX/ % (we're back to the tXXXXX directory now; only PrairieView above writes to the -00N location)

---- files placed by VHLab LabView Intrinsic imaging data acquisition script ----


----files placed by the Intan demo board acquisition program ----

ANYNAME.rhd % An rhd data file. The name doesn't matter, but there has to be a single file.

In the root directory:

associate_variables.tx % a tab-delimited list of associate variables to add to each cell (see help associate_variables_txt)

tunitquality.txt % description of single or multi-unit quality (see help unitquality)

unitquality_channelshift.txt % Single number that describes shift between Plexon channels and reference.txt entries

testdirinfo.txt % Describes which txxxxx directories correspond to which stimulation types (see help file)

trainingtype.txt % A single string that describes the type of training that was employed (see help trainingtype)

trainingangle.txt% A text file with the angle (unidirectional or flash) or angles (bidirectional training) that were used

trainingtemporalfrequency.txt% A text file with the temporal frequency used for training

trainingstim.txt % A text file describing the stimulus type used for training (for scrambled stims)

Files that can be created under some circumstances:

When our Spike2 or LabView code cannot find what it thinks is the correct directory for writing its files, it has a backup plan. It writes its data to a directory that is named for the HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND of the time of acquisition or saving. It is important to quickly move these files to the correct tXXXXX directory.


[usual files]

*** still under development